Green buildings for tenants

Date Added: 21/05/2010 Last Updated: 21/05/2010
The information in this article could be out-of-date or no longer relevant.

Green buildings are good for the planet. What might surprise you is how good they can also be for business.

Leading organisations around Australia are choosing to operate in green buildings to improve productivity, reduce costs, attract staff and increase their competitive advantage.

Green building benefits

Research has shown that there are real advantages for businesses operating in Green Star buildings - and these benefits extend well beyond the carbon footprint. So why should your company choose to operate from a Green Star rated building?

Green building checklist

How green is your building? Assess your building's green credentials with our checklist to get you thinking about how you can improve the environmental performance of your tenancy.

Steps to green your building

Taking positive steps to green your office environment will reward both your business and the planet. Find out the first simple steps to improve your building. Learn more about what you can do in the following areas:

Find a green building professional

If you're ready to start greening your building, the Green Star Accredited Professionals Directory contains a list of designers, architects, engineers, builders, project managers and other industry professionals who have demonstrated a thorough understanding of the Green Star environmental rating system and can help you to green your office.

Negotiate a green lease

Many landlords are now offering a range of 'green leases' with varying levels of environmental performance. Learn more about the things your company needs to consider when negotiating a green lease.