Green building checklist

Date Added: 21/05/2010 Last Updated: 21/05/2010
The information in this article could be out-of-date or no longer relevant.

Is your building a green building? To improve the environmental performance of your tenancy, the first step is to assess your office building's performance.

Below are some questions to get you thinking about your building's green credentials:


  • Does your building have a Green Star rating of 4 stars or above?
  • Does your building have an environmental management system?
  • Is the building owner committed to measuring and tracking energy and water use, and waste reduction?

Indoor environment quality

  • Does your building have access to fresh air, natural daylight and views?
  • Do you have indoor plants or does your building's owner allow indoor plants to be installed?
  • Have low toxic materials, such as paints, adhesives, carpet and joinery, been used in the fitout?
  • Does the lighting system ensure visual comfort?
  • Are all workers within 10 metres of a natural light source?


  • Does your building have a NABERS Energy rating of 4 stars or above?
  • Is your company signed up for the CitySwitch Green Office program?
  • Does the building have sub-metering facilities for energy monitoring and tracking?
  • Is your tenancy zoned so that lighting in unoccupied areas (such as meeting rooms) can be switched off when not in use?


  • Is your building accessible to public transport?
  • Have appropriate facilities been provided for people cycling or walking to work, such as bicycle storage, accessible shower and changing facilities with lockers?


  • Does your building have a NABERS Water rating of 4 stars or above?
  • Is the building fitted with appliances, such as dishwashers, tap fittings, showerheads and toilets, which meet or exceed the Water Efficiency Labeling Schemes (WELS) 3 star rating?
  • Does the building use alternative water supplies such as rain water collection, black or greywater treatment or re-use of fire testing water?


  • Have materials been sourced from manufacturers who have third party environmental certification?
  • Have timber products been sourced from sustainably managed forests?
  • Do the materials included in the building fitout include recycled content, high durability and a product stewardship program for reusing or recycling materials at the end of their useful life?
  • Does the tenancy include recycling facilities for paper, plastic containers, metals, organics and e-waste?

Land Use and Ecology

  • Does the building owner monitor recycling, energy and water usage, and have an environmental management plan in place to reduce consumption?
  • Does the building owner regularly conduct maintenance checks on heating, cooling and ventilation systems?
  • Does the building owner use environmentally friendly cleaning products?
  • Is the building owner committed to using low-impact fixtures and fittings in future refurbishments?
  • Is the building owner willing to include lease clauses that improve the environmental performance of building and occupied spaces?


  • Does the building have strategies in place to address air, light and noise pollution?
  • Do refrigerants and thermal insulants have a zero ozone depletion potential (ODP)?
  • Does the building have a grey or blackwater treatment facility?

If your building does not feature the majority of these attributes, then it's time to take positive steps to transform your building into a green office space.