Green Star FAQs

FAQ F-00096
How do I get the Sustainable Transport Calculators to work?

The externally provided software the Transport Calculators rely on has recently changed to pay-per-use. As such the Sustainable Transport and Access by Public Transport Calculator outputs will only be available to project teams of registered Green Star Projects until further notice. 



17A Sustainable Transport Calculator

The Sustainable Transport Calculator has been updated and no longer requires the externally provided software. Project teams can now download the calculator from the Resources portal to obtain the calculator outputs.

As the externally provided software was used to calculate the WalkScore ® and has been removed. Project teams will need to obtain the project's score from the WalkScore ® website or follow the method outlined in FAQ 179. The calculator inputs and layout have been updated to make it clear the information required to complete the calculator.

Note: a technical question is no longer required to access the 17A Sustainable Transport Calculator for registered or non-registered projects. If a project's location or Statistical Area 2 (SA2) cannot be found in the updated calculator, please submit a Fix/Modify a Calculator/Scorecard request with the registered project's full address.


17B Access by Public Transport Calculator

The Access by Public Transport Calculator is still being updated to function without relying on externally provided software. In the meantime, registered Green Star projects will still need to submit a technical question (free of charge) through the Green Star Manager, and include the following:

  • Green Star number
  • Project Name
  • Project Address (not geocode)
  • Type of project. e.g. office, retail, etc.
  • Number of occupants (if the project is a mixed use development, please specify the number of occupants for each type, i.e Office/retail).

Results will be issued as a PDF for use in the project submission. 

All costs associated with running the Access by Public Transport calculator for registered projects will be absorbed by the GBCA. These requests will be charged the usual Technical Question cost.

Rating Tools

This FAQ is related to the following Rating Tools, Categories or Credits:

  • Green Star - Design & As Built v1 / Transport / 17 Sustainable Transport
  • Green Star - Design & As Built v1.1 / Transport / 17 Sustainable Transport
  • Green Star - Design & As Built v1.2 / Transport / 17 Sustainable Transport
  • Green Star - Design & As Built v1.3 / Transport / 17 Sustainable transport
  • Green Star - Interiors v1 / Transport / 17 Sustainable Transport
  • Green Star - Interiors v1.1 / Transport / 17 Sustainable Transport
  • Green Star - Interiors v1.2 / Transport / 17 Sustainable Transport
  • Green Star - Interiors v1.3 / Transport / 17 Sustainable Transport


These FAQs are:

  • provided as additional technical assistance for Green Star users.
  • optional and free to use on Green Star projects.

When used on Green Star projects, make sure to:
  • state the FAQ number on the Submission Template.
  • click on "Download" to save the FAQ.
  • include the PDF in the submission.

The GBCA reserves the right to add or remove FAQ at our discretion.

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