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Green Star FAQs

FAQ F-00293
Are project teams required to submit an Area Definition request for Green Star Buildings ?


Project teams are not required to submit an area definition request for projects registered under the Green Star Buildings and suggest project teams to only submit a request for area definitions where they feel a Technical Question is required to clarify an exclusion or uncommon space. The option to submit an Area Definition Request is not available for Green Star Buildings for this reason.

For the relevant credits (as noted below) within Green Star Buildings, guidance has been provided under 'Additional information' section at the start of each credit stipulating what spaces are subject to the requirements of the credit. Please note that for Green Star Buildings, the distinction between Primary, Secondary and Tertiary spaces has been removed and replaced with Regularly Occupied Areas (formerly Primary or Secondary) and non-regularly occupied areas (formerly Tertiary). 

Example of guidance provided

Regularly Occupied Areas - Those continuously occupied or occupied for more than two hours (previously known as 'primary' and 'secondary' spaces) including living and sleeping areas in Class 2 and Class 3 units. Areas that are either transient or accessed intermittently such as corridors, storage, back of house or plant rooms can be excluded, and are not considered regularly occupied spaces. Spaces can also be excluded if the use of the space (for example, a laboratory) justifies specific conditions - a Technical Question must be submitted to the GBCA for confirmation.

Below is the list of credits where credits are applied to regularly occupied spaces

  • Clean Air
  • Light Quality
  • Acoustic Comfort
  • Exposure to Toxins
  • Connection to Nature

Rating Tools

This FAQ is related to the following Rating Tools, Categories or Credits:

  • Green Star Buildings v1
  • Green Star Buildings v1.0


These FAQs are:

  • provided as additional technical assistance for Green Star users.
  • optional and free to use on Green Star projects.

When used on Green Star projects, make sure to:
  • state the FAQ number on the Submission Template.
  • click on "Download" to save the FAQ.
  • include the PDF in the submission.

The GBCA reserves the right to add or remove FAQ at our discretion.

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