Green Star FAQs

FAQ F-00239
Is a shorter contract term acceptable for the Accredited GreenPower/Off-Site Renewables criteria in Energy?

Yes, projects may use shorter contract terms to target the Accredited GreenPower®/Off-site Renewables criteria within the Greenhouse Gas Emissions credit or the Renewable Electricity and Renewable Energy criteria under the Energy Source credit, on the condition that the shortest contract length must either be:

  • Three (3) years, or 
  • One (1) year, where the building (Green Star - Design & As-Built or Green Star Buildings) is owned and managed by an entity that has signed to the Global Commitment for Net Zero Carbon Buildings managed by WorldGBC. Other commitments may be acceptable through a Technical Question; or 
  • One (1) year, where the fitout (Green Star - Interiors) owner has made a public commitment to procure 100% renewable energy for all its operations.

Note that the contract can be part of a corporate power purchasing agreement for a building/fitout portfolio.

Refer to the Climate positive buildings and our net zero ambitions document for more information on suitable options recognised by Green Star. 

Documentation Requirements

Please provide the following in your submission:

  • Signed PPA including extracts on the length of contract.
  • Evidence that the PPA covers 100% of electricity or energy.
  • Public commitment to the Global Commitment for Net Zero Carbon Buildings managed by the WorldGBC. 
  • All other documentation requirements are as per the submission guidelines. 
  • A copy of this response.


Greenhouse Gas Emissions Calculator Guidance

For Green Star – Design & As Built and Green Star – Railway Stations projects, a value of ‘10 years’ may be entered into the Greenhouse Greenhouse Gas Emissions & Peak Electricity Demand Calculator where the remaining renewable energy contract duration complies with the figures listed above.

For Green Star – Interiors projects, a value of ‘5 years’ may be entered into the Greenhouse Gas Emissions Calculator where the remaining renewable energy contract duration complies with the figures listed above.

Any period of commitment less than the figures listed above is to be prorated in line with FAQ F-00115.

For example: A power supply contract for a Green Star – Interiors v1.3 project that achieves Practical Completion in Jan 2021 is in place for 3 years from 2021 to 2023, meeting the requirements of this FAQ. If the power supply contract includes 20% renewable supply for Jan 2021 to Dec 2021 (i.e., 1 year, equivalent to 33% of total contract length) and then 70% renewable supply from Jan 2022 to Dec 2023 (i.e., 2 years, equivalent to 66% of the total contract length), the effective off-site renewable percentage shall be calculated as:

Σ [Renewable supply (%) x percentage of contract length (%)] = 0.2(0.33) + 0.7(0.67) = 53.5%

The effective off-site supply percentage will be entered into the ‘Off-site Renewable electricity percentage as stipulated within the building’s power supply contract’ cell and a period of ‘5 years’ will be entered into the ‘Length of Off-site Renewables electricity contract period (in years)’ within the Greenhouse Gas Emissions Calculator. 

Rating Tools

This FAQ is related to the following Rating Tools, Categories or Credits:

  • Green Star - Design & As Built v1 / Energy
  • Green Star - Design & As Built v1.1 / Energy
  • Green Star - Design & As Built v1.2 / Energy
  • Green Star - Design & As Built v1.3 / Energy / 15.A.10 Off-site Renewables
  • Green Star - Design & As Built v1.3 / Energy / 15.B.2.10 Off-site Renewables
  • Green Star - Design & As Built v1.3 / Energy / 15.E.3 Off-site Renewables
  • Green Star - Design & As Built v1.3 / Energy / 15.H.10 Off-site Renewables
  • Green Star - Interiors v1 / Energy
  • Green Star - Interiors v1.1 / Energy
  • Green Star - Interiors v1.2 / Energy
  • Green Star - Interiors v1.3 / Energy / 16.A.7 Off-site Renewables
  • Green Star - Interiors v1.3 / Energy / 16.B.6 Off-site Renewables
  • Green Star - Interiors v1.3 / Energy / 16.C.2 Off-site Renewables
  • Green Star - Interiors v1.3 / Energy / 16.D.2 Off-site Renewables
  • Green Star - Railway Stations v1.1 / Energy / 19.A.10 Off-site Renewables
  • Green Star - Railway Stations v1.1 / Energy / 19.B.3 Off-Site Renewables
  • Green Star Buildings v1 / Positive / 23 Energy Source
  • Green Star Buildings v1 / Positive / 0.SSC.02 Tenant Energy Source
  • Green Star Buildings v1.0 / Positive / 23 Energy Source
  • Green Star Buildings v1.0 / Positive / 0.SSC.02 Tenant Energy Source


These FAQs are:

  • provided as additional technical assistance for Green Star users.
  • optional and free to use on Green Star projects.

When used on Green Star projects, make sure to:
  • state the FAQ number on the Submission Template.
  • click on "Download" to save the FAQ.
  • include the PDF in the submission.

The GBCA reserves the right to add or remove FAQ at our discretion.

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