Delivering energy modelling goals

Cost CPD points Duration* Exam Required
$53.64 1 63 Mins Yes

Course details
With the 2040 Paris carbon emissions target to create a net zero built environment, there is a greater need to monitor our carbon footprint over the coming years. Through real life examples such as 171 Collins Street and 990 La Trobe Street in Melbourne, this webinar will explore different methods of forecasting accurate estimations through dynamic energy simulations.

Eben Simmons
Associate Director, Umow Lai

Matthew Webb
Sustainability Consultant, Umow Lai

All course content is curated by the Green Building Council of Australia. Designed for maximum flexibility, this course allows you to study anytime, anywhere.

Exam Requirements
This course requires you to sit for an exam to obtain the CPD points. The exam comprises of 3 questions and has a time limit of 30 mins to complete.

All exams are multiple choice and questions are based on module content.

If you have any questions regarding any of these online courses please feel free to contact the GBCA Office on +612 8239 6200 or send us an email.

* Duration refers to the associated video content length of time. If there is no video it refers to the time limit of the associated exam. All pricing exludes GST.